Boots, Shirt, Shorts, Bag: J. Crew Cape: Madewell (sale) Scarf: J. Crew (sale) Tights & Socks: Target Glasses: Warby Parker |
Today's copycat Monday outfit was inspired by Keiko of Keiko Lynn. She is just gorgeous and has AMAZING style...go check her version out here and leave some love!
As you guys all know (or maybe you don't), we take all outfit pics over the weekend. This is great because it means most of my outfits for the week are picked out. But sometimes... it sucks. For example, this Saturday, it was about 50 degrees in Boston. But, my Monday outfit was already I walked outside in this get -up, and felt slightly ridiculous (and overheated). There were about 5 people sitting on their porch across the street... enjoying the nice weather & drinking some beers. Needless to say, I wanted to turn right back around and wait until it dropped 30 degrees, or the beer & neighbors were gone. But after some threats tough love from the hubs, we got it done. I think they came out OK considering I was a sweaty mess underneath that cape, and I that I was also trying to smile/pose while getting beer cans thrown at me by my jeering neighbors.
Just kidding, no beer cans were thrown in the taking of these pics. Just rotten tomatoes :)