Friday, April 19, 2013


I just wanted to say thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for all of your sweet comments, thoughts and stories that you guys shared with me. They really mean the world to me. Some of them made me cry harder, but they also reminded me that this awful feeling will get better, slowly.

And I do know it will get better, but for some reason, that thought saddens me even more. I know I will never forget Monty, but somehow acknowledging the fact that the days are getting easier without him seems wrong. If that makes any sense. One second he was there, wagging his tail, drooling on my lap, wrestling with Katie, sleeping next to my dad...and now he's just nowhere. It feels unnatural. It feels like he's just hiding somewhere, waiting for us to call him.

I want to be excited about things. Things like going to dinner with friends this Saturday, Spring weather, baby showers, the fact that it's Friday. But as soon as I start to smile and feel happy...I remember. And that awful feeling, that sadness, the emptiness in my just knocks me down and keels me over.

As my dad said...I think I'm out of tears...I should be out of tears by now...but they keep coming.

Hoping to be back on Monday with an outfit post and no more sad words. I'll try to make that a promise.

Hope y'all have a great weekend. Do something awesome and be happy. And if you're in Boston....stay safe...thinking of you all today!