Thursday, August 2, 2012

Things That Make Me Warm & Fuzzy Thursday

 Dress: Free People (here)
Shoes: J. Crew Similar: here
Clutch: J. Crew Similar: here
Bracelets: Anthro & J. Crew
Earrings: Anthro

Things That Make Me Warm & Fuzzy:
1. This dress. It's another one of those items I've had stuffed in my closet for a few months. But I pulled it out for the bridal shower I went to last weekend, and I felt so pretty in it. I also felt like I didn't need to accessorize it too much. Either that or I was really lazy :)
2. Chocolate chili creme brulee. Oh YES my friends. You want to taste amazing? Well that's it, let me tell ya. The perfect combo of sweet & spicy. Just like me.
3. Change. I've got some big life changes coming up (which I will definitely tell you guys about soon)...and while I am downright TERRIFIED of change, I've decided, just now, to embrace it and let the thoughts of the future and change make me warm and fuzzy. Carpe diem, right?
4. Eating sushi THEN nachos.  I knew it had been too long since I mentioned nachos to you guys, so I'll share a little story with you. Last weekend while visiting my BFF...we went out to dinner and had sushi. And then we decided we were still hungry, and because nachos go so well with sushi...we went to a bar and ordered some. Can you say fatasses? They were so worth it though...SO worth it.
5. Going for drinks after work. I NEED one. Or a few. See number 3 (above). And yes, I am choosing to deal with my stress by drinking. No judging allowed :)
6. Olympic gymnastics! I may or may not have cried a little bit when the US women's team won gold. They were just so stinkin' cute & happy...I couldn't help it. Sometimes I forget that I'm 27 and just embrace my inner 16 year old I guess.

Also! Anyone want to win a trip to New Orleans? It's one of my favorite places EVER! Mostly because of the amazing food. If you're interested, hop on over here for how to enter...and it involves Pinterest :) You're welcome.