Monday, August 6, 2012

Copycat Monday

Jeans: American Eagle Similar: here
Shirt: Gap (here)
Shoes: Target (here)
Belt: Madewell Similar: here
Clutch: Madewell (old) Similar: here
Necklace: Urban Outfitters
Watch: Michael Kors (here)

Today's Copycat Monday outfit was inspired by Kendi. Because what do you do when you are lazy pressed for time & need to find quick inspiration? You default to Kendi, that's what. I love everything about this outfit. Stripes, boyfriend jeans, these awesome wedges. Boy, am I ready for Monday in this getup. Now if only I could wear my boyfriend jeans to work.

So why was I lazy with this outfit? Well, this weekend was our last real weekend in Boston. Yep, that's right guys...we're MOVING... from Boston to Connecticut! I am a mix of stress, anxiety, and mild excitement. But mostly just stress, haha. And I'm also REALLY sad to leave my friends & co-workers here, as well as Boston in's been my home for 6 years and I really love it. Anyway, we have less than a month to move and I will be travelling for a lot of that leaves zero time to pack and makes for a very crazy Annie. I apologize if my posts are sporadic over the next few weeks, or if I'm unable to comment as much as I usually do - I will try my best to keep up...but if my hair starts falling out and my psoriasis starts actin' up from all this stress...I think I might have to take a step back for a few :)

Oh and this weekend? So much fun. Maybe too much fun. Thanks for an awesome weekend my Boston loves.