Monday, January 13, 2014

Haircuts, Presents & Zombies

Shirt: J. Crew // here
Sweatshirt: J. Crew // here
Jeans: Madewell // here
Necklace: J. Crew // here
Boots: Madewell // here
Jacket: J. Crew // here
Bag: Kate Spade // similar

This little shirt and sweatshirt weaseled their way into my closet due to the ridiculously awesome post - Christmas sale at J. Crew. Those darn sales...just when you think you don't need to or even want to shop for the next walk in and all the pretty clothes are practically begging to be bought. Does this happen to anyone else, or am I the only sucker out there?

This weekend was a 3 day weekend with NO work for me...and I sucked every little morsel of fun and relaxation out of it that was humanly possible. Friday was filled with some window shopping and pampering (check out my new 'do)! Saturday, Nick, Aggie and I took a little trip to see the in-laws and exchange belated Christmas gifts, and Sunday was spent on the couch, complete with a DVR marathon of The Walking Dead. Haircuts, presents and zombies? Best weekend ever.