Monday, July 30, 2012

Copycat Monday

Jeans: Madewell (here)
Tee: American Apparel Similar: here
Shoes: J. Crew Similar: here
Belt: Madewell Similar: here
Necklace: J. Crew Similar: here
Bracelet: Oia Jules

Today's Copycat Monday outfit was inspired by Jessica of Here (and) Now! And I totally realized I featured her JUST a few weeks ago. Oops. But anyway, I love Jessica's blog AND her style (obviously). Oh, and her adorable pug, Doug. There's just all sortsa cuteness goin' on over there...including this awesome outfit she put together. There's just something about white & gray...I feel like the combo is effortlessly chic. You know what else I like to think is effortlessly chic? My ratty 10 year old boxer shorts from Abercrombie that I wear to bed 75% of the time. No, I promise guys, they are.